Wednesday, August 17, 2011

why be shitty?

For some time now, I have been working on being a "better" person. More kind, less harsh, not going to huffy behavior at the slightest provocation. And gosh darn, it feels nice to be able to find those moments of presence and positivity.

Yet I still have my moments. I am constantly trying to invent ways for me to creatively see the other side before I assume the worst in people. I thought I might share some of those.

1. When someone is going sooo incrrrredibly slow in front of me while driving, I think: " they must have a wedding cake in the car."
2.Or alternately, when someone is driving at an unsafe speed, I think: " they must have to poop really bad."
3.People who litter? Dropped on the head as a baby. Repeatedly.
4.Ann Coulter? About her I just say: " wow, she needs lots of prayers and blessings." I say that about many people.
5. I also say "well bless her/his heart" if I can't contain myself from saying a negative remark about a particular person. I'm not proud that I still make the remark but hey! I'm working on it.

 For me, it's all about not putting shitty vibes into the Universe. So, it's constant vigilance, but I feel it's a well worth it effort.

So perhaps we could try to curb our shitty behavior by utilizing our creative and zany brains to not go to the instantly bitchy side. Try it. It's fun. Feel free to send some pointers this way. 

And remember to tip well. To not do so is one of the utmost in shitty being-ness.