Does this not describe us all at one point or another? Should we suppose that those we consider to be so annoying have also felt this way? Or are perhaps feeling this way right now?
How to turn our thoughts to compassion instead of instant agitation at their supposed sub-standard behavior is quite the intense quest.
It may be easier to be irked and feel righteous in this irk-dom. I do feel that overall, if we take one precious moment and consider our commonality, we may behave in a more gentle and benevolent fashion.( instead of going over to the ramona ramone side instantaneously.)
I try to think of what this person was like in 5th grade.
Or maybe they just got some really shitty news.
Or maybe their dog is sick.
Or they are lonely.
Or just sad.
I've said it before in a different post, on a different blog:
May we all rise to our highest potential.
And this means not being instantly shitty.
How to turn our thoughts to compassion instead of instant agitation at their supposed sub-standard behavior is quite the intense quest.
It may be easier to be irked and feel righteous in this irk-dom. I do feel that overall, if we take one precious moment and consider our commonality, we may behave in a more gentle and benevolent fashion.( instead of going over to the ramona ramone side instantaneously.)
I try to think of what this person was like in 5th grade.
Or maybe they just got some really shitty news.
Or maybe their dog is sick.
Or they are lonely.
Or just sad.
I've said it before in a different post, on a different blog:
May we all rise to our highest potential.
And this means not being instantly shitty.