I heard a term that chilled my blood.
Corrective rape.
This is what can happen to a gay woman in Africa.
When I hear things like this that are so horrifying and unjust, I go to quite a dark place. Very angry and hurt.
Very wanting of vengeance. Very scared for all women in general.
But the way I've been trying to counter these thoughts is by making up and sending a prayer out to the
Universe that is directly linked to this (or any) atrocity.
To this particular act of violence and disgusting and ignorant behavior, I say: May tolerance be abundant.
When I really want to swear and psychically curse someone,
May tolerance be abundant.
Corrective rape.
This is what can happen to a gay woman in Africa.
When I hear things like this that are so horrifying and unjust, I go to quite a dark place. Very angry and hurt.
Very wanting of vengeance. Very scared for all women in general.
But the way I've been trying to counter these thoughts is by making up and sending a prayer out to the
Universe that is directly linked to this (or any) atrocity.
To this particular act of violence and disgusting and ignorant behavior, I say: May tolerance be abundant.
When I really want to swear and psychically curse someone,
May tolerance be abundant.