Tuesday, May 27, 2014

dear Roy Scheider,

What is it about your acting that I like so much?

I like your contained nature. And your observational, minimal method of character portrayal. Oh and your voice, not quite gravelly, not quite soothing but somewhere in between. Somehow always sounding 100% assured and undaunted.

Yet even if sounding a little rattled you are still able to pull it off and sound certain. Very, very certain.

As in one of the best lines ever uttered in film.

Of my 2 readers, I know one of them will immediately know of which I speak. The other reader will either be huffy with me because of course she knows this line or she will need major prompting from me while I try not to be huffy because WHO DOESN'T KNOW THIS LINE?

P.S. Roy Scheider,
your hunky-ness is undeniable.

Friday, May 2, 2014

dear today,

It's Taco's birthday. It's what I call his birthday. The day we picked him up to bring him home. Others call it their "gotcha day."
With anniversaries like this it make s me realize that someone, somewhere, everyday, is probably feeling as I do right now. Absent, bereft and broken.
It reminds me to work on my compassion skills when I may encounter a person who seems crabby or less than lovely.
It could just be that they are feeling a horrible ache where before it was filled with the comfortable knowledge of being someone's everything.
How can 6 years feel like so much and so little at the same time?