Sunday, December 4, 2011

feeble, fragile, frail, fucked up, flailing, fumbling, foundering. familiar? forgive.

Does this not describe us all at one point or another? Should we suppose that those we consider to be so annoying have also felt this way? Or are perhaps feeling this way right now?

How to turn our thoughts to compassion instead of instant agitation at their supposed sub-standard behavior is quite the intense quest.

It may be easier to be irked and feel righteous in this irk-dom. I do feel that overall, if we take one precious moment and consider our commonality, we may behave in a more gentle and benevolent fashion.( instead of going over to the ramona ramone side instantaneously.)

I try to think of what this person was like in 5th grade.

Or maybe they just got some really shitty news.
Or maybe their dog is sick.
Or they are lonely.
Or just sad.

I've said it before in a different post, on a different blog:

May we all rise to our highest potential.

And this means not being instantly shitty.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

you dink vs. may you not be a dink someday

Oh barf. I have to retract a little bit of my last post. You are not supposed to call someone an asshole at the same time you are praying for their rising above the assholedom. I don't think. It doesn't seem right.

Better to go the more positive route. Or you could just blame it on Ramona. But only momentarily.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

rancor in the parking lot

To the person in the parking lot:

I just saw you get out of your car, still chewing, wipe your mouth on a napkin, wad it up and then throw it in an empty cart! Of all the nerve. I stared at you hoping to catch your eye so you could see the look of gall on my face.

This act. This refusal to take responsibility for your own refuse. This leaving it for the lesser thans.
This makes you nasty. Nasty with a capital "N" and then a big "asssty "after it.

I think You are nasty, your spouse is nasty, your kids are nasty and your home is nasty. You know what's probably not nasty? Your car. No. Because you can't deign to have an article of garbaaahge in your precious vehicle.

You are disgusting and yucky. Deliberate acts like yours are oh-so-inelegant. But you obviously don't care if you're a wanker of the first degree. You obviously don't care about a karmic kerpow. I have a feeling there's a nice big windshield bird poop in your future.

I'll just never understand why some people so flagrantly point out their total dis-regard for the other humans on our planet. Let's all try to bless his stupid little dumb fucked up being for the highest good.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

serum schmerum

Why is it that the smallest bottles of :
wrinkle reliever
wrinkle filler
skin plumping
fine line reducing
concentrated renewal
cellular renewal
and dark circle under eye removers
cost so much money for the TINIEST LITTLE BOTTLE???!

Gaaaahhhh! It's because we want to look lovely and the look of oldness is so friggin' frowned upon. So we are willing to try all this product to attempt to maintain/hearken back to our days of youth with all that firm skin that we never thought about until being bombarded with all this serum shit. It says that what we don't have is not as good as what we used to have. How about what we do have is pretty damn AWESOME?
Where's that positive statement? WE need to put that into our thoughts.

I've bought into the whole propaganda bullshit of non aging skin. As if that exists. And you know what? It's demeaning. Where are the ads showing the glorious looking wrinkly women? They're out there. I have seen them. My Mom is one of them. She has all these deep wrinkles AND her skin is lovely.

Let's embrace our face. Next time you walk by a mirror, I DARE YOU to look at yourself, do that 2 hands pointed like guns thing and then make that kinda "kch" sound that says "lookin' good toots." Do that and I bet there's a bit of an attitude shift.

And I'll do it too.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

why be shitty?

For some time now, I have been working on being a "better" person. More kind, less harsh, not going to huffy behavior at the slightest provocation. And gosh darn, it feels nice to be able to find those moments of presence and positivity.

Yet I still have my moments. I am constantly trying to invent ways for me to creatively see the other side before I assume the worst in people. I thought I might share some of those.

1. When someone is going sooo incrrrredibly slow in front of me while driving, I think: " they must have a wedding cake in the car."
2.Or alternately, when someone is driving at an unsafe speed, I think: " they must have to poop really bad."
3.People who litter? Dropped on the head as a baby. Repeatedly.
4.Ann Coulter? About her I just say: " wow, she needs lots of prayers and blessings." I say that about many people.
5. I also say "well bless her/his heart" if I can't contain myself from saying a negative remark about a particular person. I'm not proud that I still make the remark but hey! I'm working on it.

 For me, it's all about not putting shitty vibes into the Universe. So, it's constant vigilance, but I feel it's a well worth it effort.

So perhaps we could try to curb our shitty behavior by utilizing our creative and zany brains to not go to the instantly bitchy side. Try it. It's fun. Feel free to send some pointers this way. 

And remember to tip well. To not do so is one of the utmost in shitty being-ness.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

why are hoses such jerks?

Truly this puts me over the edge. And it's a little thing in life, I know it is. I do.

Why when I use a hose does it insist on coiling unto itself ? Kinking in to that dreaded "V" shape? Making me walk aaaall the way back to it,(usually a distance of a whole 6 or 7 feet) just so I can undo the snarled mess and resume the flower shower. It huffs me out everytime because I feel that the hose is being sooooo unreasonable but yet predictable.

I think that if I was watering the Guggenheim, that notably round-ish building,the nasty hose would wind itself around a steely New York blade of grass just to laugh at me. And taunt me. And make me feel bad for TOTALLY losing my temper and yelling at it. The hose, not the museum.

I guess if I write about this it's freeing in a way and I won't be so troubled next time I have to give my plants a drink. I'm trying, really, not to yell at the hose anymore. It frightens the dogs so.

Was that a rumble of thunder I just heard?