Sunday, July 12, 2015

dear water, thank-you.

That's right. I said it.
And I attempt to say it multitudinous times a day.
Thank-you water for nourishing me and my family of hubby, dogs, cats and chickens.
When brushing my teeth, aaah, thank-you.
For other bathroomly related functions as well.
Oh for the shower. I especially remember to be thankful after a shower.
And for the doing of laundry?
Thank-you for irrigation of farms.
Thank-you for the luxury of washing my vegetables.
It's so unbelievably splendid that I can pull a lever at my kitchen sink and this clean and clear liquid is available to me.

I keep a card on my kitchen shelf illustrated by Faith Weldon entitled "Walking for Water." It's a scene she saw depicted while in Morocco. There are 3 women with water jugs on their heads.
Walking FOR water.
Not TO water.
FOR water.
It helps to remind me of the blessing that water is in my life. It helps remind me to not be wasteful with water, which I'm pretty dang good at. But who couldn't try to do better at something as monumentally important as conserving and being respectful of our own water use?
Just ask hubby how shreiky I get when he leaves the water running while he's trying to rearrange the dishes in the strainer.
Shreiky deeky.
Try it.
How many times a day can we come into present moment awareness enough to notice all the times we get to use water?
Many I bet.

Thank-you water.

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